The Lyrids meteor shower is back, falling over NYC and New Jersey from April 15-29.
Peak viewing will happen late in the night of April 22 and run through pre-dawn on April 23.
The Amateur Astronomers Association of New York is holding free viewing events across NYC, including on Manhattan’s High Line on April 18 and at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn on April 20.
During the April 22 peak, AAA will co-host stargazing at the United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey Observatory in Jenny Jump State Forest near Hope, New Jersey.
The heavens are aligning this month to bring the streak and the sparkle of one of the oldest recorded meteor showers: The Lyrids.
Stargazers have marveled at the Lyrids’ bright and fast meteors on spring evenings for nearly 2,700 years. The dazzling shooting stars will be visible to the naked eye over New York City and New Jersey from April 15-29, according to NASA.
The best views are from late evening until dawn on April 22-23, as the meteor shower peaks in the New York area. This period will coincide with a new moon, its dimmest phase. The combination means the sky appears darker and celestial objects look brighter.
“Almost all of them [meteors] “Parece muito mais próximo do que está”, disse Bart Fried, vice-presidente executivo da Amateur Astronomers Society of New York.
A noite escura como breu é outro bom momento para ver as imagens a olho nu.
“Nunca use binóculos para meteoritos”, disse Farid. “Eles estão se movendo muito rápido. Quando você tirar seus binóculos, os meteoros terão desaparecido.”
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